Fundamental Analysis

Assalamualaikum and Good day,

Dear All Traders,

How are you guys? Good trade? Not so good? Bad trade?

If we focus on trading Forex, what can we conclude from Forex movement? Yes, that it is unpredictable, puzzled and somewhat surprising. Therefore, to minimize the risk of being bailed out by the market, we should know the Fundamental Analysis in Forex trading.

What is Fundamental Analysis?

Its simple, fundamental analysis referred to market news. Yup... as simple as that.  But what kind of news? There are so many news regarding economy and trade... so which one should a trader focusing on? To make it simple to you guys, I list down three website that you can refer to:
1) Forex Factory: The most important market reference.
2) Bloomberg: Updated market news from Bloomberg
3) Reuters: Updated market news from Reuters.

These three sources are my main source for market news. You may always use your own. There are many other sources that you can choose i.e Google, yahoo news etc.

So what news we are looking forward to? Most news did not have a lot of weight in Forex but there are several killer news that have greater impact to certain currency. What are they?....

To be Continued....

p/s: is looking forward for late dinner tonight... :)



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