
Showing posts from 2017

Work is...

Introduction to Bitcoin (Andreas Antonopoulos LIVE in Malaysia)

Life is....

Consensus Algorithm, Proof-of-Work and Blockchain Fork in Bitcoin

Market Drone Scores on Small Caps Stocks

Kesan Serangan Market Drone Terhadap Pasaran Emas Dunia

#Marvel Stock

Reaching USD4000+ Profit

Andreas Antonopoulos - Great speech on Blockchain vs. Bitcoin in front o...

Being Grateful... Alhamdulillah.........

Win Trade Lost Money?

Arsenal Won London Derby

Bak kata org tua²... Senyum sampai telinga... The Tale of My Market Drone

What is Blockchain

PhD and Love

When the SCREEN is GREEN 🤑

Regarding BUY or SELL

#Bitcoin is on Bull Run 🐂🐂🐂

Bitcoin on MT4


Financial Technology and Financial Analytics

Robot Mesin Duit